voices out of the West, mostly poetry, personal to planetary

Devreaux Baker

Mendocino Coast, Northern California.

Devreaux Baker’s awards include a finalist for the 2018 Fischer Prize in Poetry, the 2017 Joe Gouveia Outermost National Poetry Prize, the 2014 Barbara Mandigo Kelly Peace Poetry prize from the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, the 2012 Hawaii Council on Humanities International poetry Prize, the 2011 PEN/Oakland Josephine Miles Poetry Award, and the 2010 Women’s Global Leadership Poetry Prize. She is a Fellow at the MacDowell Colony, the Hawthornden Castle, and the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation. Her published books of poetry include 

Light at the Edge, Beyond the Circumstance of Sight, Red Willow People, Out of the Bones of Earth, and Hungry Ghosts.

The Grand Canyon

I have been sitting here for over six million years

turning from ocean into the mind of magma

with the thrust and pull of continental shelves

defining my body. I am filled now

with the sound of a dying river at my core

and a million cracks of lightning

carving out my features.

Humans persist in climbing into my bones

pitching tents in the caverns of my mind

making love in the open spaces of my arms

or trying to resuscitate dying marriages

in the pelvic purse of my lap.

They traverse my body during the day

but at night while they sleep I wrap my force

like a shawl of rainbow dreams around their forms

and whisper the names of trails they define me by

so I become their Bright Angel or their Hermit.

In those moments I want to hold them so close

they share my infinite solitude

and learn how to mold their bodies

into the shape of loss, so they understand

how our world is diminishing

and my abyss becoming a benediction

to the memory of water.

They come and go through the gravity of time

as fragments of supernova

shadow-dancing for a brief moment

against my walls

leaving reminders of themselves

in the cast-off objects of their lives.

Filled with their voices, I endure

long after their rafts disappear

down the veins of my body.

Listen, can you hear eagle wings opening

in the margins of my dreaming mind? is a non-commercial project, an online anthology, to share a poetic vision of the land we love.

We have no permanent office although we do have deep roots in western Colorado.

You can write us at Box 160 Norwood CO 81423, or better yet, email us, by clicking 

or, if you use a webmail system, write to hello (at)